2010. augusztus 22., vasárnap

08 AUG 2010 8:00/19:00

The day after The Wedding all the ppl who lived in our hotel must have been resting out their hangovers long because when we came down to the pool around 8 there wasnt anyone near or far :) We swam a little, appr 10 minutes, then went into the sauna for another 10. With a long day of driving ahead of us we knew a little refreshing exercise would have done us good. After the sauna we grabbed some bagels and coffee/juice resp. from the breakfast bar and sat at the pool. Luxury pur!

The evening then found us in Mesa Verde National Park at an elevation of about 8000 feet with considerably less oxygen than what we were used to, so the 32 min of running (up and down, but mostly up, very hilly) i did with D's careful escort really made a wreck of me :) Fortunately there were showers outside of the park so i knew i could get cleaned up. I will estimate i must have run about 5km. Too bad i couldnt really rest it out as we slept in the trunk of the Pt Cruiser that night but it did good anyway.

2010. augusztus 20., péntek

06 AUG 2010 16:00

Somewhat adventurously but we made it to the US! Left on the 3rd afternoon, got some 5 hours sleep in B (wanted to jog there but i simply couldnt get myself out of the bed even though i set my alarm) and ended up in Charlotte thru New York instead of Chicago on the first night. Again a few hours of sleep, no time or energy to workout (and most of all, no jogging gear as my bag got lost), flt to Denver, car renting, off to Colorado springs and onward.

So the 6th of aug we woke up in the Great Sanddunes National Park, went to hike on the sanddunes. I did maybe an hour or so only, but D went all the way up to the top of the dunes.

We then drove on towards the Black canyon of the Gunnison and i was increasingly cranky because i really needed some sort of a workout so when we saw the Blue Mesa Reservoir (a lake) we knew it was time:) Additonal bonus: a pretty strong current. Unfortunately we had to make it to R until sunset so i only got to swim 12 min in Lake Gunnison but i made up for it in the evening in the fancy hotel pool of the C S Lodge with another 20 min and some very pleasant whirlpool relaxation :)
But in any case since i only lived on Mcd salads, huge light cokes and coffees, i was def in shape for the wedding on the next day :)

2010. augusztus 19., csütörtök

02 AUG 2010 14:00

Went to the gym before we'd be off to the US. Did 35 min running -6.7km. 5km at 24:27, 6.5 at 32, then some walking to relax. 10 min on the stepmill, 10 on the bike and then the weights (legs 2, belly 2, back 1, arms/shoulders 2, each at 5-6 sets 10 reps, except the arms at 3 sets, 10 reps. Stretching and protein. Ttl time about 1:30.

30 JUL 2010 20:00

Took the blades to work again :) Yday i was quite sore because of the first session so i gave myself a day off but i did it again on the 3rd nightshift and i guess i was fine. 45 min or so, which is btw how much it took the first time too, i forgot that i started the timing after the first km.