2011. május 26., csütörtök

Marathon training - WEEK 12

So i told myself, even if some of the real long runs are missing, im gonna complete the Marathon training to my best abilities. This was supposed to be the last week and i kinda let the plan go, just carried on with the regime i got used to. Which meant more mileage than this weeks training runs should have been, except i did not do a 42 on sunday so i came rather short.
On the positive side, i did some muscle work again which i had somewhat abandoned in the past week or two.

8.5 - 14.5  planned 60 km - done 36.3km

08 SUN Pause / Alternativ training
Workout at home with a new DVD from shape: 20min of muscle workout (mostly rather static but mighty difficult)
09 MON leichter Lauf Dist: 4.8 km in 5:40 min/km
9.3km in 44:30. Extremely nice morning run, warmish weather, lovely. To work.
30 min of muscle workout: BBP
10 TUE Pause / Alternativ training
11 WED Tempo-dauerlauf Dist: 8 km, inkl. Aufwärmen; 4.8 km in 4:45 min/km; Auslaufen
6.7km in 33min. To work, took the bus from Popelova to Hnevkovskeho for lack of time.
12 TUE eichter Lauf Dist: 4.8 km in 5:40 min/km Pause /
13 FRI Alternativ training
9.3km in 44min. Cool morning run to work, first time ever for the e3! Left at 4:12, was amply enough. 
14 SAT Marathon Wettkampf 42.195 km in 5:04 min/km Zeit: 3:34:12 60 k
It would have been... Instead we went to Bocholt:
11km in 55 min. The coolest run, 8am in the morning to the Aa, 3 times around and back home. Lovely sunny morning with lots of energy. Might have been a good day for the marathon... Its kinda difficult to let it go but at least i carried out the training relatively decently. And the next time around im really doing it. Maybe the Einstein Marathon in September?

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