2010. október 22., péntek
21 OCT 2010 7:30
Took the usual road to work and measured it: 8.45 km from the nursery to the bakery :) Did it in 43 min or so. I also mapped it at nikeplus afterwards, now i will own it :)
19 OCT 2010
Having had an offday i had a few bites for breakfast and then ran to Ikea on the bikeroad. I made it a bit of a roundtrip so it would add up to 7km. Again, 36 min. The day before i walked home from Hnevkovskeho and tried calibrating the chip on the bikeroad where the km-s are painted but it turned out there was no need as it was totally accurate already.
Anyway, that 7k pretty much hurt because i forgot to cream my knee but i held thru.
Anyway, that 7k pretty much hurt because i forgot to cream my knee but i held thru.
1. OCT 2010
Went to Velky Pruvan again, did the speed excercise at increased velocity (11.5, 13.5/10,12.3) and then pushed it until 9km. 5000@24:47, 9000 @ 44:10. Worked out too like a maniac. I must say it all felt pretty pleasant neverthless.
15 OCT 2010
The maiden voyage of my nike plus chip :) Hecked my shoe so i dont need a nike plus actually. Kudos to podophile at http://podophile.com/2006/11/30/nike-ipod-shoe-hack-and-sensor-accessory-round-up/ for the advice :)
I took it to the normal flat Chrlice round but forgot to charge my ipod so it died on me at 3.6 km. I did a total of 36 min| appr 7 km.
I took it to the normal flat Chrlice round but forgot to charge my ipod so it died on me at 3.6 km. I did a total of 36 min| appr 7 km.
12 OCT 2010
Went to Velky Pruvan for the first time (got a free entrance). Its awsome, im totally convinced! Invested in a 10occasion regular immediately. 10 of the good soft treadmills, lots of cardio options and all machines multiple times, good air, fancy lockerroom and showers, just lovely. Price is a bit higher but not terrible.
Did an hour of running: 12.2 km ttl with the same intervals as before but 4 times the fast 3min at 12.2-12.5 and 10 inbetween. 5000@24:47 and 10000@44:10. Then i did my reg. workout load and was pretty exhausted in consequence.
Did an hour of running: 12.2 km ttl with the same intervals as before but 4 times the fast 3min at 12.2-12.5 and 10 inbetween. 5000@24:47 and 10000@44:10. Then i did my reg. workout load and was pretty exhausted in consequence.
2010. október 17., vasárnap
07 OCT 2010 14:00
I got a Womens Running in London and one article was on increasing your speed over the first 5k so i tried one of the sample workouts they were suggesting. The principle is to create and control discomfort for shorter periods so your body learns to accept it. They suggest 10 min jogging at a comf. speed which i set for 11/11.5, then 4 times 3 min high speed (uncomfortable) broken by 1min jogs and then 10 min jogging to relax. But i only did 3 of the fast units, mainly for lack of time but also because my knee was giving me grief. But no wonder on the bloody treadmill thats so hard i could as well be running on rocks and it runs uneven too, a real nightmare. So i took 13 to 13.5 for high speed and 10 for inbetween. Did a total of 6k in half an hour. Then i still biked and worked out and i did try two new machines for the shoulders and Waden and got totally exhausted. As protein shakes are by now a fixed part of my diet i wont be mentioning any more how i had one after training - i always do.
2010. október 8., péntek
30 SEP 14:00
Went to the gym and altho very tempted by the treadmill i resisted running. Want my knee to recover properly. 15 min steps and 15 min biking (intervals) for cardio plus loads of workout. Incorporated the Vade exercise as well as 3 diff. arm exercises. Had a shake afterwards (karamel) - managed to exhaust myself totally.
Run the Frog and Toad - WARR London 25 SEPT 2010
What a disaster! Even after three weeks my heartrate shoots up if i think about it. But i guess
i only have myself to blame.
Domi and i arrived to LHR on the 24th early afternoon, fastly checked into the Ibis Heathrow and then off we went to pick up my starter package near Canary Wharf. Now i always thought i was a big city kid what with having grown up downtown Budapest but apparently i dont know **** about REAL bigcity commuting. If i had i would have considered a more expensive hotel somewhat closer to the Royal Docks. The way from LHR to the ExCel was so excrutiatingly slow that by the time we got out of the Team meeting it was dark. We did a little sightseeing but ultimately were even too exhausted to have dinner and just fell to bed and slept like logs.
It only figures that I of all the clumsy people of this world would then leave late the next morning, leaving only 2:15 for commuting AND warmup, and that my metro coach would stand 20 min in some station due to reconstruction works. It only is predictable that i would miss my startshot on the very event i have been preparing for for like... a year?!
Alright then, i might be a cronic latecomer (needless to say that Domi the everGerman was in fury just by the very thought of what id done) but if there is one thing i despise more than being late is pussing out, taking the easy way out. Which is why, as the doors of the metro opened at 11:03, Prince regent station witnessed a rather upset Lufthansa runner shoot out of the car to disappear towards ExCel in a whirl (that i had to change my jeans to running shorts in the metro was only the smaller embarrassment, lol). I passed the startline at 11:04:35 and set about catching up with the others. I pushed the pace and passed the last few people in a few minutes, kept passing first the slow then the comfortable hobbyrunners, then those who were not well prepared and then finally a few of the better runners too. One setback i had to deal with was that while i hydrated vigorously before the race i had no time for a bathroom-break but as the kilometres and minutes passed by and the urgency of the matter climbed up the charts, it transformed into the most powerful of motivations there is :)
Reached the finishline at 52:17 (which translates to 47:40 netto time logged on my watch, a personal best) and took over a load of people on my final sprint. Once done tho, i felt all drained of willpower or integrity even, i just got changed, watched the start of the 5k and then walked away. Didnt quite know how to deal with the shame and disappointment.
In any case as it turns out, i made 3rd place on my age category even so. Whats more important, my team was anything but ashamed of me! Germans AND Luftverkehr mitarbeiter, and still such tolerance for delays... i dont know how i could have expected less of them tho, they are just really really nice people. Like REALLY.
So once again a heartfelt Thank you and Sorry goes out to Sandra, Paul, Ralf and everyone who was damn kind to me and whom i in return kind of let down. I look forward to hanging with you in DUB and making up for my rude behaviour!

WARR London
i only have myself to blame.
Domi and i arrived to LHR on the 24th early afternoon, fastly checked into the Ibis Heathrow and then off we went to pick up my starter package near Canary Wharf. Now i always thought i was a big city kid what with having grown up downtown Budapest but apparently i dont know **** about REAL bigcity commuting. If i had i would have considered a more expensive hotel somewhat closer to the Royal Docks. The way from LHR to the ExCel was so excrutiatingly slow that by the time we got out of the Team meeting it was dark. We did a little sightseeing but ultimately were even too exhausted to have dinner and just fell to bed and slept like logs.
It only figures that I of all the clumsy people of this world would then leave late the next morning, leaving only 2:15 for commuting AND warmup, and that my metro coach would stand 20 min in some station due to reconstruction works. It only is predictable that i would miss my startshot on the very event i have been preparing for for like... a year?!
Alright then, i might be a cronic latecomer (needless to say that Domi the everGerman was in fury just by the very thought of what id done) but if there is one thing i despise more than being late is pussing out, taking the easy way out. Which is why, as the doors of the metro opened at 11:03, Prince regent station witnessed a rather upset Lufthansa runner shoot out of the car to disappear towards ExCel in a whirl (that i had to change my jeans to running shorts in the metro was only the smaller embarrassment, lol). I passed the startline at 11:04:35 and set about catching up with the others. I pushed the pace and passed the last few people in a few minutes, kept passing first the slow then the comfortable hobbyrunners, then those who were not well prepared and then finally a few of the better runners too. One setback i had to deal with was that while i hydrated vigorously before the race i had no time for a bathroom-break but as the kilometres and minutes passed by and the urgency of the matter climbed up the charts, it transformed into the most powerful of motivations there is :)
Reached the finishline at 52:17 (which translates to 47:40 netto time logged on my watch, a personal best) and took over a load of people on my final sprint. Once done tho, i felt all drained of willpower or integrity even, i just got changed, watched the start of the 5k and then walked away. Didnt quite know how to deal with the shame and disappointment.
In any case as it turns out, i made 3rd place on my age category even so. Whats more important, my team was anything but ashamed of me! Germans AND Luftverkehr mitarbeiter, and still such tolerance for delays... i dont know how i could have expected less of them tho, they are just really really nice people. Like REALLY.
So once again a heartfelt Thank you and Sorry goes out to Sandra, Paul, Ralf and everyone who was damn kind to me and whom i in return kind of let down. I look forward to hanging with you in DUB and making up for my rude behaviour!
WARR London
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